Graphic Malaise

Plague Rider

I had a conversation with my friend Liz about plague doctors last week, and thought aloud “plague doctor riding a rat, holy shit!” After a few days of particularly unusual circadian rhythms I fleshed it out, and managed to streamline my thought process to a concise “holy shit!”


Another show flyer. My band, Sam Neill (3/4ths of Lack for those keeping score) is playing this one.

Big Daddy Reitz

My dad asked me to draw something to put on his bike. Ed Roth was the first thing that came to mind. No confirmation yet, but he got a chuckle out of it, if nothing else.

Dress to Empress

More tarot stuff. I’m starting to think I should be working larger, wearing glasses, or both.


My friend, Robert, of the excellent band South Reach let me make a flyer for a show in town. I drew this thing. I was trying to go for something different with the color, but it didn’t come out very well, so I went to town in The Fauxtoshop. The umbilical cord was impromptu and kind of got lost in the digital shuffle, but I’m still pretty proud of it.

New Flesh





I got a hair up my ass and had to make a new banner. Is it legible? Does that matter in 2012? Would the movie Dead Alive have been made if someone had to draw all of that blood?


Three, The Third

Where was I?

Oh, right.

I made another one of these. I’ve got some other projects going, blah, making musick, yada, need to find a job, etc.

Keep watching the skies, sports fans.

When you support these fucking bastards…

The results remain the same.

Inspired by a headline on cable news that had Mitt Romney’s head ‘shopped onto Paul Newman’s body for a Cool Hand Luke pun. 

I don’t like it any more than you.

Declare Sonic Warfare

By all means, re-mix/sample/deconstruct/transpose for your own purposes. Make it danceable, make it sexy, make it worse. Do something.

Declare sonic warfare.

Sources: //

Update: Devastating redux courtesy of Omaha Industries:


What is this, an excursion from excursions? I finally got around to tapping the bottle of ink I got as a late X-mosh gift from my folks. Having never really worked much with brushes, I kind of just fumbled around, trying out techniques I’d read about, or seen Bob Ross shred. It was pretty fun, and definitely more abstract/automatic than I usually go about things. Eventually I decided to embellish some of the more anthropomorphic shapes I spotted and this was the result. The last (janky camera-phone) picture is better-lit to give you an idea of just how much crud I heaped on, and to remind me to tape down the next one.

I might try to get some better quality shots up soon.